(2)学术成绩:学习成绩GPA是申请中zui重要的因素之一,名校一般要求学生在校成绩达到GPA 3.5以上。
(6)面试:不是所有的专业提供面试机会,但是对于提供面试的学校而言,申请者的面试表现在zui后的录取决定中起至关重要的作用。 面试的目的是帮助招生官核对申请人材料的准确性,同时进一步了解申请材料中没有的内容 面试对于知名院校和项目的申请来说是成败的重要因素。 面试过程中,学生应该自信,积极地去和面试官交流,而且要着装得体,与面试官有眼神的交流。 建议面试结束后给面试官发一封感谢邮件。
★ Angela——前普林斯顿、康奈尔大学招生官
Angela: “Testing is important, but it's not always the most important. Prepare as best as you can, do the best you can, but don't spend the majority of your time worrying about them. It's more important to focus on academics, getting involved in activities, and crafting strong, personal essays.”
★ Mike Hammer——前康奈尔大学招生官
Mike Hammer: “As important as test scores are, grades are even more important. Test scores can reveal a student's potential. Grades reflect a student's level of discipline and the extent to which she uses her potential on a daily basis.”
★ Patricia——前芝加哥大学招生官
Patricia: “Read as much as you can, it will greatly improve your ability to create and share your own personal statement. If you want to write an excellent essay, the first thing you should be focusing on is reading. In addition, proofread is also really important. ”
★ Landis——前达特茅斯学院、西北大学招生官
Landis: “Seek professors or supervisors who know your intellect and your work ethic. Give your professor plenty of advanced notice when requesting a letter of recommendation. This not only shows good planning on your part, it also leads to a stronger, more thoughtful letter.”
★ Kevin——前布朗大学招生面试负责人
Kevin: “There are two ways to answer a question: the “what and why” method and the “C.A.R” method. The quality of a response depends on being able to identify which method to use to answer the question.”